Burial Records & Death Records in the UK
A Death Record is... |
A Burial Record is... |
A death record is a certificate that states the date and place an individual died. These records are available from 1837 onwards as published by the GRO. You can also order a copy of a death certificate if you need to, which can show you full information about the birth. |
A burial record is a any type of record or certificate that states the date and place an individual was buried. These records are available from 1538 onwards, and are recorded in Parish Registers. |
Using Burial & Death Records in your Genealogical Research
Information on burial/death records can be useful as you can use the names as a starting point to begin tracing the ancestors on the record back another generation. You may want to know:
- If an ancestor was alive in a certain period
- How they died (perhaps there is a family history of illness?)
- Where they were buried
- Their date and place of birth (have they lived in one place all their life?)
We have provided a case study on this website so you can see just how easy it is to find a death record, and some links to related information that may be helpful to you.